Archery is about having fun, and everyone loves to hit the target, but if you want to get a classification or enter competitions you need to know about rounds.
A round is a set number of arrows shot at a certain size target face at a set distance (or several distances) using a set scoring system.
There are lots of different rounds to suit all age groups and abilities, from a York (12 dozen arrows shot at 100, 80 & 60 yards) to a Short Junior Warwick (4 dozen arrows shot at 30 & 20 yards).
The traditional English Outdoor “Imperial” rounds are measured in yards and use a 5 zone scoring method (9,7,5,3,1).
The International Outdoor “Metric” rounds are measured in metres and use a 10 zone scoring method. In all outdoor rounds you shoot 6 arrows before collecting them (i.e. 6 arrows in an “end”).
Indoor rounds are measured in either yards or meters but generally use the 10 zone scoring method and have 3 arrows in an “end”, with a couple of exceptions.
The following tables show all the rounds and the maximum you can score on each.